
Too many books, too little time.
Charade - Nyrae Dawn Cheyenne dated for the last two years with Gregory and she always thought they would be forever. Especially after she went to the same college as him and they were together everyday again. Until the day she found him in bed with another girl and realized it wasn't the first time he did that. She breaks up with him.

But Gregory and his new friend are everywhere and he doesn't leave Cheyenne alone because he’s sure that she is doing a huge mistake leaving him. So she decides to do what any normal person does: Get a fake boyfriend to make him leave her alone and be jealous at the same time.
The problem is that Cheyenne isn't a normal person. She has abandon issues and a difficult familiar background. So when she meets Colton thinks he is the best bet with his tattoos and badass demeanor and he thinks he is a spoiled princess used to get what she wants.
Until they start to know each other, understating each other, opening up and the lines of the game starting getting blurry.

“This isn't a fucking game anymore. No charades here. I don’t know exactly what to call it, but whatever it is, it’s ours. I’m going to latch onto it. And never let go.”

It was my first book by Nyrae Dawn and I've got hooked. She is a very good writer, her books are reading-effortless.
Anyway, Colton is extremely hot and sweet, although sometimes is kind of an asshole and you will want to beat him. Cheyenne pissed me off a lot in the beginning but she really grown up through the story and I ended up liking her a lot. The secondary characters are nice-ish, I still have mixed feelings about them.
But in the end… their story is really sweet and reading-worthy, even with the guarantee of a lot of tears! Go read it, now! :)

“You make me want to live. Fuck that. Not just live, you make me want to enjoy it. To fucking love it. I don’t pretend anymore. Don’t play games anymore.”