
Too many books, too little time.
Dirty Red (Love Me With Lies, #2) - Tarryn Fisher 4 psychotic and bitchy stars!

I don't think I've ever read a book as fast as I’ve read this one. I was postponing the reading of this book so I could read it closer to Thief’s releasing date. (Basically I was gathering courage to read it since TO left me d emotionally drained).
So when I say on FB that it was already alive on Amazon I dropped everything… and when I say everything I say: dropped the book I was reading, stopped doing anything and talking to people in general and started reading immediately.
I’ve read in just a few hours and it did not disappoint. The awesome mindfuck was all here again.


This book is told under Leah’s POV and we get to know how she and Caleb ended up together (I really love this past flashbacks) and everything that happened after the end of the first one and after she had he baby.
And after reading her story, believe me, I still hate her like crazy, but it’s definitely not easy knowing that you’ll always be a second choice.


I’ve got to say that this was the first time I liked so much a book where I actually hate the female heroine.
Leah is a bitch, is very aware of that and has no intentions of changing. We see that Caleb is also not so innocent in the middle of all this, but we can’t stop loving him anyway.

This is not as angst as the previous one (Thank god!!) but it still makes you bleed a little. This author is a genius and her writing and ability to create completely awesome and a psychotic stories grab us from the very first page.
And that end… god, that end! I need the third one, now!